UHPC ultra-high performance concrete is an ultra-high strength, toughness, high durability of special engineering materials, early development, late degree of extremely high, for reinforcing and repairing engineering can replace steel and expensive organic polymers, that is, to preserve the integrity of the concrete system and reduce costs. UHPC has high strength and good impact resistance, and can also be used for special structures that require high load carrying capacity. UHPC high compactness and good working performance, so that the surface in contact with the template has a high finish, stain resistance, easy to clean and other characteristics, UHPC in the color agent and other components are not easy to precipitate outward, so UHPC can be used for the external decoration of buildings....[MORE]
Good texture, can bring a new dimension and depth to the building and space, natural fire rock surface treatment process cumbersome can not really achieve the special texture effect, the designer through the use of a large area of imitation fire rock to create the texture of the space and ultimately affect the space effect.
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